NOD to amend Punjab Agricultural Produce Markets (General) Rules, 1962
Author(s): City Air NewsChandigarh, July 9, 2013: The Punjab chief minister Parkash Singh Badal today gave in principle approval to amend the Rule 29 and 30 of the Punjab Agricultural Produce Markets Act 1962 thereby omitting the rule...

Chandigarh, July 9, 2013: The Punjab chief minister Parkash Singh Badal today gave in principle approval to amend the Rule 29 and 30 of the Punjab Agricultural Produce Markets Act 1962 thereby omitting the rule 30, the sub rule 7 and 9 of the ‘The Punjab Agricultural Produce Markets (General) Rules, 1962’ in accordance with the proposal mooted by the state agriculture department.
Disclosing this here today a spokesperson of the chief minister’s office said that Badal cleared the file to this behalf on Monday evening. Approving the proposal sent by the agriculture department, the chief minister also agreed to insert Rule 7A after the sub rule 7 in Rule 29 as under:
“Any agriculture produce taken from outside the state to the state of Punjab, shall be deemed to have been bought or sold in the notified market area where it is brought, may be for any purpose. Any exemption granted from payment of market fees under rule 29, 30, 30(c) or any other rule or otherwise of the said rules, will not applicable and the dealer have to pay the market fee as per the procedure already laid down. Provided that in sub rules, nothing will apply to fruits and vegetables as specified by Board, brought from outside the state to state of Punjab”.
The approved draft amendment by the chief minister has been sent to the legal remembrancer for vetting, prior to amending the Punjab Agriculture Produce Markets Act, 1962, the spokesperson added.