10 Effective Asthma Remedies for Children

Asthma is a chronic respiratory disorder that frequently affects small children, some of whom are diagnosed as early as infancy or toddlerhood. Asthma causes could be multifaceted and range from genetic predispositions and environmental factors.

10 Effective Asthma Remedies for Children

Dr. Tejaswi Chandra, Senior Specialist – Pediatric Pulmonology, Aster Women and Children Hospital, Whitefield, Bangalore.
Asthma is a chronic respiratory disorder that frequently affects small children, some of whom are diagnosed as early as infancy or toddlerhood. Asthma causes could be multifaceted and range from genetic predispositions and environmental factors. Genetic factors matter owing to the fact that if a family history of asthma or allergies exists, children are more likely to develop it. Other factors such as pollutants, allergens, or respiratory infections, can also contribute to the onset of asthma.
Children with asthma experience a variety of symptoms that are very burdensome such as: continuous coughing especially at night, which interfere with their sleep and leave them tired and less attentive in the day. They also wheeze, a terrifying high-pitched whistle when breathing which shows the struggle to breathe leading to severe fear. Shortness of breath makes playing or running seem difficult and causes isolation thus lowering their self-esteem. Chest tightness increases their discomfort and panic as if they have an invisible weight pressing them down. This results in more missed school days due to recurrent respiratory infections, which is exhausting for both children and parents because it requires increased medication use. As a result, they get easily fatigued by constantly fighting against asthma hence falling behind academically with subsequent failing grades and inability to participate in any activities mentally disturbing anxiety episodes, depression, or sense of loneliness.
Here are ten effective remedies to help manage asthma symptoms in children:
1. Inhalers and Nebulizers
Inhalers and nebulizers deliver medication directly to the lungs, providing quick relief during asthma attacks. It's essential to use them as prescribed by a pediatrician.
2. Allergen Avoidance
Finding out and minimizing exposure to substances like pollen, house dust mites, pets’ fur, mold etc may greatly help in diminishing asthma conditions experienced by kids.
3. Regular Check-ups
Frequent visits to health care provider helps monitor child’s asthma condition and adjust treatment plans accordingly for optimal control over their condition.
4. Healthy Diet
A balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains can support the immune system. Omega-3 fatty acids found in fish and flaxseeds may also help reduce inflammation.
5. Physical Activity
Engaging in regular, moderate exercise can strengthen the respiratory muscles and improve overall lung function. Activities like swimming are particularly beneficial for asthmatic children.
6. Breathing Exercises
Techniques such as diaphragmatic breathing and pursed-lip breathing can help children control their breathing and reduce asthma symptoms.
7. Humidifiers
Keeping a humidifier in your home will help you maintain optimal humidity levels thus preventing dry air from irritating the airways triggering an asthma episode.
8. Asthma Action Plan
Creating an individualized plan for managing asthma with help from healthcare providers can enable parents and children identify early signs of asthmatic attacks and respond accordingly.
9. Air Quality Control
To prevent exposure to triggers causing asthmatic attacks it is necessary to use air cleaners, keep away from tobacco smoke and ensure clean indoor environment.
10. Herbal Remedies
Some herbal remedies like ginger and turmeric possess anti-inflammatory properties which could assist in controlling symptoms of asthma. Always consult with your health-care provider before trying new remedies.
Implementing these strategies and regular check up with doctors enables parents to support their children in managing asthma and enjoying healthier, more active lives.