108 Ambulance conducts First Responder Program at Sarvhitkari Sen. Sec. Vidya Mandir, Hajipur
108 Ambulance, a leading healthcare service provider in Punjab, took a significant step towards enhancing community well-being by organizing a First Responder Program at Sarvhitkari Sen. Sec. Vidya Mandir, Hajipur, Hoshiarpur today.

Hoshiarpur, April 16, 2024: 108 Ambulance, a leading healthcare service provider in Punjab, took a significant step towards enhancing community well-being by organizing a First Responder Program at Sarvhitkari Sen. Sec. Vidya Mandir, Hajipur, Hoshiarpur today.
The primary objective of this program is to provide students with the vital knowledge base for dealing with any medical emergency and be hands-on with first aid assistance. The program was organized in the presence of Principal Manoj Kumar, Cluster Manager Pawan Nabh, Marketing Manager Deepak Kumar, and FRP trainer Jaswinder Singh.
First aid is administered in critical moments and prompt actions can drastically improve survival rates and reduce the severity of the situation. One of the primary advantages of this program is a heightened level of confidence and competence during emergencies. Recognizing this benefit, Ziqitza Healthcare, held training sessions under the direction of Jaswinder Singh, a FRP trainer. Essential first aid procedures for situations like CPR, heart attack, bleeding, fractures, snake bites, fainting, choking, hypoglycemia, etc. were covered in the session. A hands-on presentation was incorporated to improve the student's understanding of the emergency case management process. 90+ Students and staff attended the session.
Divulging details about the Program, Manish Batra, Project Head of Ziqitza Healthcare, said "Our main aim of organizing this event in the Sarvhitkari Sen. Sec. Vidya Mandir, Hajipur, Hoshiarpur was to enlighten students about the significance of first aid and how it helps minimize the seriousness of the injury if provided timely to patients.
In the contemporary world, it has become significant to be attentive to the role of first aid especially during medical emergencies. Therefore, we hope that our program comes as a helping hand because the best and most efficient pharmacy is within our own system, and I believe that it becomes an inner sense of happiness when an individual observes his help becoming life-saving for another. We will keep on organizing such programs for the betterment of society.”