1779 Covid-19 samples report negative in the district, only 83 samples pending for the result: Deputy Commissioner
Solicited people's support to maintain the Corona free status in the district as 1203 samples reported negative in the last 19 days

Ferozepur: Flattening the Covid-19 curve further, a total of 1779 persons were tested negative so far in the district out of which 1203 samples reported negative in the last 19 days.
Divulging more, Deputy Commissioner Ferozepur Mr. Kulwant Singh said that with the intensified sampling drive as of now, samples of 1943 persons have been taken and sent to the laboratory for Covid-19 tests.
The deputy commissioner said that so far 1779 persons have been tested negative out of which 1203 were tested negative in the last 19 days adding he said that on May 5, 2020, about 576 negative cases were reported in the district which faced an upsurge with 1203 more negative cases taking the count of negative cases to 1779 on May 24, 2020.
Mr. Kulwant Singh said that the only 83 samples were pending with the laboratories by now. A total of 43 confirmed Corona cases were reported in the district and all of them were discharged from the hospital after the speedy recovery. Now, there was no active corona case in the district, hence the district was declared corona free.
The deputy commissioner further added that 38 samples were sent again as repeated samples to the laboratories adding he said that as of now more than 91 percent of samples have been reported negative and only a meager amount of the samples were pending with the laboratories. He said that the day to day progress of sampling and testing procedure is being reviewed by the district administration to ensure the time-bound results of collected samples. The Deputy Commissioner solicited people's support to maintain the corona free district status through following the golden principles of social distancing, wearing masks, and avoiding stepping out of homes unnecessarily.