1st National webinar by UIHTM, PU
Webinar held on corona and covid-19: impact, innovation and planning for post crisis

University Institute of Hotel and Tourism Management (UIHTM), Panjab
University Chandigarh organised a 1st National Webinar
on Corona and COVID-19: Impact, innovation and planning for post
crisis., informed Anish Slath, Director, UIHTM.
Prof. Shankar Ji Jha, DUI in his inaugural address, emphasized that
the entire hospitality and tourism industry is under lockdown and it
is the responsibility of all academician and policy makers to join
hand and deliberate upon the causes, consequences and future course of
action. He said higher education is not only for academic development
but also for building society and nation at this tough junction
interdisciplinary research and policy research area should be focused
on both micro and macro level.
Prof. S.P Bansal Vice Chancellor, HP Technical University was the Chief Guest.
In his address ,he focussed on Challanges and
opportunities of COVID 19. He talked about new business models and new
demand patterns will emerge. He emphasised upon PM Narendra Modi’s
mantra of AEIOU ie Adaptability, efficiency, Inclusiveness,Opportunity
and Universilism .
Prof. Parikshat Manhas from Jammu
University focussed upon pre-COVID era and how the handling of the situations.
Mr. Diwas Wadhera - Executive Chef, Hotel
Crowne Plaza - Delhi focused upon improvising the hygienic environment
and new business models that will come up.
Prof. Ashis Dhaiya from MDU Rohtak also talked about new business
models to be developed for tourism and hospitality industry and need
for stop gap planning,
supply chain balances Deepak behl said that short term and long term
goal needs to be planned and he said that work from home wil be a new
Mr. Deepak Behl, Director Human Resources, The Park - New Delhi
emphasised that its too early to predict about future requirement of
workforce and has to be trained to work under restricted environment
and focussed upon short term, midterm and long term plans. Work from
home is new concept emerging and tourism and hospitality sector will
also bring new opportunities in this regard.
Prof Prashant Gautam from
UIHTM raised a question of how the students are looking into the future
of tourism and hospitality courses and focused on new business
All the experts emphasised on exploring the short term courses, online
courses, online training modules through various hotels through video
The Webinar got a good response from across the nation wherein 60
research papers were presented during the technical session
and the webinar concluded with a workshop on review of literature by
Dr. Shelly Duggal Amity University Noida, in which the research
scholars and the students of hospitality and tourism got a hands on
experience about how to write effectively a review of literature,