2-day symposium on Indian education: covid-19 impact, challenges and opportunities, concludes
Speakers say one needs to have courage to convert obstacles into opportunities

Ludhiana: It was a proud moment for Gujranwala Guru Nanak Khalsa College, Ludhiana, as they concluded the two-day long symposium, entitled Indian Education: COVID-19 Impact, Challenges and Opportunities with great success and contentment.
The first day witnessed a wonderful response from all the participants as they were privileged to listen to the eminent personalities, like; Prof Amit Kaut, Dr Pankaj Mittal and Prof Vandana Punia, who had vehemently delved deep into the issue of Pre, ongoing and Post COVID-19 pandemic situation. On the second day of the symposium, the Chief Guest for the Valedictory session was Prof Sanjay Kaushik, Dean, College Development Council, Panjab University, Chandigarh and the resource persons for the technical sessions were, Dr Nisha Singh, Deputy Director, Centre for Online Education, IGNOU, Dr Ganesh Hegde, Adviser, National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC) who too focused on the challenges and opportunities this pandemic situation has brought at the doorsteps of each and every individual.
Prof Sanjay Kaushik focused on the free of cost learning management systems available online like EDX and he also stressed for the teachers to train themselves for the coming new era of blended learning. Dr. Nisha Singh discussed the nuances of online education and made them sound very adaptable to everyone. Dr Ganesh Hegde, Adviser, National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC) stressed the importance of E-Content, E-Learning in the accreditation process. Dr. SP Singh former VC GNDU, Amritsar focused on digital learning and advised teachers to adapt to the new E-Textbooks, OERs, Technology enhanced teaching and learning. He stressed on blended learning in this period of Pandemic.
Dr S. P. Singh, honourable president, Gujranwala Khalsa Educational Council (former Vice Chancellor, GNDU, Amritsar), in his welcome address applauded the endeavours of the GGN family, particularly Dr Hargunjot Kaur (Associate Professor, Deptt. of English) coordinator IQAC and Ms Asha Rani (Assistant Professor and Head, Deptt. of Computer Science) along with their entire team, whose relentless efforts had made this event possible by all means. He further welcomed worthy chief guest, respected resource persons, esteemed scholars from various institutes who had joined this symposium and offered an opportunity to have an intellectual interaction with the eminent personalities during this lockdown period.
Arvinder Singh, honourary General Secretary while sharing his views on the grand success of the symposium said that in the era of web and technology there's nothing which can stop the learners to learn and this college is committed for the excellence in everything. He also mentioned that the feedback provided by the participants would act as a motivator and GGN family will organize more such events in near future. A voluntarily feedback by the learned participants was recorded at the end of the symposium in which they had discussed about their personal experience of being a part of this symposium.
Dr Arvinder Singh, college Principal proposed a vote of thanks to express his heartfelt gratitude to the worthy chief guest, respected resource persons, esteemed scholars from various institutes who had joined this symposium. He said that one needs to have the courage to convert the obstacles into opportunities, and pull up its socks to fight back.