9th day of Theatre Workshop
The Department of School Education Haryana in collaboration with the Department of Indian Theatre, Panjab University, Chandigarh and Natya Griham is organizing “10 Days State Level Theatre Workshop” from 20-08-2023 to 29-08-2023 at the Department of Indian Theatre.

Chandigarh, August 28, 2023: The Department of School Education Haryana in collaboration with the Department of Indian Theatre, Panjab University, Chandigarh and Natya Griham is organizing “10 Days State Level Theatre Workshop” from 20-08-2023 to 29-08-2023 at the Department of Indian Theatre. The girl students from various schools of Haryana are participating in the State level Theatre Workshop and will showcase First-ever Theatre Performance of the Girl Students of Govt. Schools of the State in the Production of Play “Shree Krishan Leela” Designed and Directed by Dr. Navdeep Kaur, at the culmination of the workshop on 28-08-2023 at 06:30 pm. The duration of the play is one hour approximately.