Advisory on Novel Coronavirus (COVID 19)
Yes. Punjab Government has issued advisory for citizens
Ludhiana: In view of the Novel Coronavirus (COVID 19), the Punjab government has issued an advisory of do's and dont’s and things to be kept in mind while going out in public.
In this advisory, it has been stated that one should not shake hands or hug anyone, do not spit in open, any person having fever should not go out in public, and keep at least 1 meter distance from any person having sough or fever. If any person is having cough or fever, he should always keep his mouth covered with a mask or handkerchief and should report immediately to their nearest government hospital. Similarly, if any person has travelled to China or Nepal in last 14 days, he should be quarantined for 14 days in his house and should not visit any crowded place.
As per the advisory, any healthy person who does not have cough or fever, need not need a mask. For further queries, one can contact at helpline number 104.