AMU gets NAAC grading

Aligarh, Dec 8 (IANS) Aligarh Muslim University (AMU) has been ranked 'A' with a Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) of 3.24 in the National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC) review held in the last week of November.
The NAAC grading accorded to AMU which will be valid for five years is based on the accreditation as per the Revised Accreditation and Assessment Framework launched by the NAAC in July 2017, representing an explicit paradigm shift in the accreditation process and making it ICT enabled, objective, transparent, scalable and robust.
"The NAAC Grade 'A' which is a result of an enormous amount of work by our faculty and students, is an important recognition for AMU's continuous commitment of being a leader in teaching and research. With commitment and dedication, we will march ahead", said the Vice Chancellor, Prof Tariq Mansoor.
He added: "AMU excels in a number of national and international rankings too, cementing its reputation as one of the best public universities in India. I extend gratitude to all University functionaries, teachers, retired employees, alumni, non-teaching staff and to the Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) core/technical for their support in scoring better and consistently improving the score of this great seat of learning".
Prof Mansoor said that public institutions like AMU have a big role to play in research and development and in policy making for the nation.
Prof Asad Ullah Khan (Director, IQAC) pointed out: "AMU has scored 3.24 out of 4 (almost 81 per cent), on a seven point scale compared to five point scale in the previous cycle grading system. The entire NAAC assessment was bifurcated into two parts, namely the Quantitative Matrices (QnM) and Qualitative Matrices (QlM), separately evaluated by the NAAC Peer Team. We have missed the A+ score by only 0.02 marks (i. e. 0.5 per cent)".
He added: "The NAAC grade and university rankings have been possible due to the efforts of the Vice Chancellor and his administration that has created a vibrant community of AMU faculty members and students, studying and researching some of the most cutting-edge of research areas".
Before the NAAC team's visit, the University's mock teams had conducted visits to various departments, faculties, offices, residential hostels and schools.