Annual Inspection by Additional Director General NCC at Jalandhar Group Headquarters

Annual Inspection by Additional Director General NCC at Jalandhar Group Headquarters

Jalandhar, July 9, 2024: Major General Manjit Singh Mokha, Sena Medal, Additional Director General, NCC Punjab, Haryana, Himachal and Chandigarh Headquarters conducted annual administrative inspection at NCC Group Headquarters, Jalandhar.  General Manjit Singh met the officers of Indian Army and Air Force. He was given a Guard of Honor by the Girls Cadets. Brigadier Ajay Tiwari, Sena Medal, Group Commander Jalandhar briefed General Manjit Singh about annual report, various competitions and activities of NCC. Group Commander and other officers were directed by General Manjit Singh to take more efforts to attract youth to NCC. The number of girls should be increased in NCC for women empowerment. General Manjit Singh also visited Lovely Professional University. He interacted with Air and Army cadets at the combined annual training camp held at 1 Air Squadron and taught them the basic mantras of life. General Manjit Singh said that there is great strength in honesty, loyalty and patriotism. With these mantras the youth should move forward. Group Commander Brigadier Ajay Tiwari briefed ADG NCC about the upcoming training camps and competitions. He also visited 2 Punjab NCC Battalion and inspected the Indian Army Training Instructors in Army Cantonment. He expressed satisfaction with the achievements of the officials of Jalandhar NCC and praised their efforts.