Anxiety, nervousness and uncertainty normal response to challenging circumstances
Say Psychiatrists at DMCH

Ludhiana: Psychiatrists at DMCH call people to understand that anxiety, nervousness and uncertainty is a normal response to the challenging circumstances which have resulted due to the pandemic. Being anxious and experiencing uncertainty need not be a part of illness however there are people who have developed anxiety disorder, depression and PTSD during this period and should seek the help of a psychiatrist
According to Dr Ranjive Mahajan, Professor & Head of Psychiatry at DMCH-consulting a psychiatrist for your mental illness should not be considered as a ‘taboo’ or ‘stigma’. These conditions are easily treatable like any other physical illness. We have seen the number of patients suffering from these illnesses go ‘up’ during the pandemic. He advised that people can remain positive by the following measures such as-stay connected even when socially isolated and rely on trustworthy sources of information, to limit their media consumption and not to indulge in any kind of addictions. Look after and be kind to yourself.
Dr Navkiran Mahajan, Professor of Psychiatry says that we have no option but to live through this COVID situation. People have gone through grief and bereavement in ways they were not previously accustomed. To go through this we should have a positive approach and engage in meaningful activities both on personal and social front in order to cope with the situation.
Dr Rupesh Chaudhary (Professor) and Dr Pankaj Kumar (Associate Professor) in Department of Psychiatry also affirms that these days, people suffer a lot of mental problems due to many issues pertaining on domestic and office front and it becomes need of an hour to take this psychiatric problem seriously and takes proper care of it by getting treatment from a qualified psychiatrist and get medication accordingly.