Any war between India and Pakistan will lead to mutually assured destruction
IDPD says, it is time that both countries work in unison

Ludhiana: The Indian Doctors for Peace and Development (IDPD) expresses deep concern at the Prime Minister's statement that it will not take more than 10 days to defeat our neighbor (Pakistan). This statement at a time when many areas of the world are engulfed in conflicts leading to serious humanitarian consequences is uncalled for. South Asia is one of the most deprived region.
In the statement Dr Arun Mitra – Co President IPPNW, Dr S S Soodan – President IDPD and Dr Shakeel Ur Rahman – General Secretary IDPD said that both India and Pakistan are at very low ranking in Human Development Index, any war will push the two countries into further impoverishment. It is important that both countries live in peace because peace is the only way for development. Moreover both countries are nuclear weapon states and use of nuclear weapons in a conventional war cannot be ruled out. Studies have revealed that any nuclear exchange between the two countries will lead to 2 billion people at risk around the globe. It is time that both countries work in unison for poverty alleviation and health & education for all. For this to achieve it is important to have constant dialogue and increase people to people exchange programmes as confidence building measures.