Barwala’s 11-yr boy gets new lease of life at Rela Hospital
Undergoes successful liver transplant

Boy was suffering from a rare genetic disorder causing liver failure
Chandigarh, September 9, 2021: Barwala’s 11-year-old boy got a new lease of life after he underwent a successful liver transplant at Rela Hospital, Chennai recently. He was suffering from a rare genetic disorder of fat metabolism which leads to cirrhosis and liver failure. He was having deep jaundice, fluid in abdomen and severe muscle wasting due to liver disease. Also he had severe protrusion of eyes as a part of his ailment. He could not attend studies as he became sick very frequently. The parents had approached many hospitals to get their beloved son a proper treatment.
Then they approached Chaitanya Hospital, Chandigarh who put them on to Dr Jagadeesh Menon, Consultant Pediatric Hepatologist and liver transplant physician from Rela Hospital, Chennai. Dr Menon evaluated the boy thoroughly and advised the parents that his treatment was not possible with medications and the only cure for his problems would be a liver transplantation.
The parents were keen and dedicated for the treatment for their child and they came to Rela hospital Chennai without any further delay. They consulted world renowned Prof Mohamed Rela, who also suggested Liver Transplantation to the only option ahead of them. Prof Rela said that the donor operation would be robotic one, which is scarless and a much quicker recovery. The father had volunteered to donate a part of the liver to save his son’s life even though he had a different blood group.
“A liver donor from a different blood group is preferred only if there is no other blood group compatible donor which was the scenario here. We gave special medications and performed specific procedures to minimize the risk arising from a different blood group liver donor and with this, equal results comparable to matched blood group donors can be achieved” said Dr. Naresh Shanmugam, director of women and child health, and consultant pediatric hepatologist at Rela Hospital.
The boy was operated upon successfully for the liver transplant at Rela Hospital, Chennai. This transplantation was possible thanks to the support of many organizations and NGOs, who decided to fund the transplant.
“After transplant, the boy is doing well and discharged from hospital after 2 weeks of surgery. Along with complete resolution of jaundice, the abnormal protrusion of the eyes that he had prior to liver transplantation has also got corrected rapidly. This is due to restoration of normal metabolic functions by the new liver after transplantation” said Dr Jagadeesh Menon.
Meanwhile, Rela Hospital conducts their Paediatric Liver Care OPD clinic at Chaitanya hospital, twice in a month.