Booklet on preventing spread of covid-19 infection released
Dr Bishav Mohan and Dr Rajesh Mahajan are the co-authors of the book

Ludhiana: A booklet on preventing spread of COVID-19 infection entitled ‘Lets Defeat COVID-19’ was released by Secretary of DMCH Managing Society Prem Kumar Gupta. Also present on the occasion was Medical Superintendents Dr Ashwani Chaudhary, Medical Supdt. (HDHI) Dr Bishav Mohan and Professor of Medicine-Dr Rajesh Mahajan.
Dr Rajesh Mahajan and Dr Bishav Mohan co-authored the book under the guidance of Secretary Prem Kumar Gupta. Vice-Principal and Chief Cardiologist Dr GS Wander, Dr Sarju Ralhan from Department of Cardiac Surgery and Dr Sahil Goel from Department of Ophthalmology also gave their valuable advices and suggestions for the publishing of booklet.
In his message, Secretary Prem Kumar Gupta said that DMCH as a major tertiary health care centre of Northern India took this initiative of publishing a booklet on making people aware about symptoms of Coronavirus and adopting preventive measures to be safe from this infection.
Dr Bishav Mohan and Dr Rajesh Mahajan, co-authors of the book, said that awareness is very much required at this crucial hour to make people know about the symptoms and preventive measures to beat COVID 19 infection and stay safe and healthy.
According to them, maintaining proper Social Distancing of atleast 1 metre between yourself and others and wearing of masks properly close to the bridge of your nose and all the way under your chin are two most important factors responsible for controlling the spread of COVID 19 infection.