Bowry Memorial Educational & Medical Trust organized awareness campaign on breast feeding
Trust is always ready for the betterment of society

Jalandhar: 'Disha- an initiative' being run under Bowry Memorial Educational and Medical trust organised a webinar on the occasion of World Breast Feeding week. Dr. Nupur Sood highlighted the importance of mother's feed for new born infants. Mother's feed is the best diet for them. Every child must be given mother's feed from first day of birth till six months. Every year from August 1 to August 7, 'World Breastfeeding Week' is celebrated in the world. Theme of this year is - " "Protect Breastfeeding: A Shared Responsibility."
This means that it is the responsibility of all the people living in society that every child should get mother's feed.
It is the responsibility of all the members of a family that they should provide a conducive environment so that the mother can feed the infant happily. Mother's diet should also be given importance. There are many false and frivolous implications prevailing in our country regarding breast Feeding, which were clearly explained by Dr. Nupur Sood.
1. First pale milk after delivery is not considered good.
Fact: Mother's feed which is called ' Colostrum ' contains many essential vitamins and antibodies, that helps to build immunity of the kids.
2. My feed is not sufficient for my child
Fact: There are many reasons for which a child cries, such as stomachache, feeling of cold etc. If the child's urination is regular and his weight is increasing, this shows that mother's feed is sufficient for him.
3.A child must be given plenty of water in summer
Fact: The water required for a six month's baby is already there in mother's feed.
4.A mother should eat boiled food only.
Fact: A mother can eat nutritious food which is prepared at home. A mother should also practice yoga and exercise daily.
5. I have fever, so I am not feeding my child.
Fact: Consult your doctor and take medicine. There are many medicines available, which do not harm a mother who feeds a child.
Bowry Memorial Educational & Medical Trust is always ready for the betterment of society. For which the trust organizes awareness webinars from time to time.