British cyclist reaches DMCH to raise awareness about cancer

Ludhiana, December 11, 2021:A British cyclist named Luke Grenfell-Shaw reached Dayanand Medical College & Hospital as part of his mission to complete 30,000km from Bristol to Beijing on a tandem bicycle with an aim to raise awareness about cancer.
Three years ago he was diagnosed with late stage cancer but he continued with his physical activity like running marathons. Last year he decided to travel across the World on a tandem bicycle to raise awareness and funds for the organizations who are providing help to the cancer patients.
Principal Dr Sandeep Puri, along with Dr Puneet A Pooni (Professor & Head Department of Paediatrics) & Dr Shruti Kakkar (Associate Professor Department of Paediatrics) welcomed Luke upon his arrival at DMCH on his journey so far and briefed about cancer care facilities in DMCH. Other faculty members from Department of Paediatrics were also present on the occasion.
During his visit, Luke interacted with the medical students of DMCH who are running a foundation named ‘Sanjha Foudation’ and also visited the paediatric oncology ward and met with cancer patients and their families.
While sharing his story and journey Mr Luke said that there’s so many things that we can’t control, but it’s really important that we think about what we can control and do as much as possible with those things,” he continued. “I couldn’t control whether I had cancer or not, but I could control how I live with it.”
Dr Shruti Kakkar, Associate Professor Department of Paediatrics said that Mr Luke is an inspiration for all of us. Further Dr Shruti highlighted that there are so many challenges in the life, but is important to stay positive in order to live the life more richly and fully even if it with cancer.