Busy Infotech Pvt Ltd organises Busy Partner Connect 2020 in Agra
‘Creating New Possibilities’ was the theme of this gala event'

New Delhi: BUSY Infotech Private Limited, India`s Premier Business Accounting Software developer organized “BUSY Partner Connect 2020” at Jaypee Palace in Agra over a period of three days last week. The objective of the meeting was to share various developments that have taken place since the last partner meet, also to recognize and commend the work done by existing brand’s channel partners and to showcase the roadmap ahead for opportunities.
BUSY Partner Connect 2020 was a 3-days event, where more than 100 channel partners came to Agra from around the globe to attend the event. The meet was inaugurated by Dinesh Kumar Gupta, Co-Founder & Director of Busy Infotech Pvt. Ltd by lighting the lamp and Ganesh Vandana. The brand felicitated its top dealers with various awards for their work in the previous years. Besides, showcasing various achievements of past years, major focus of this event was to share the possible new opportunities and discuss the business goals and plans for F.Y. 2020-21.
Dinesh Kumar Gupta, Co-founder & Director, Busy InfotechPvt Ltd presented the Keynote in which he discussed the powerful capabilities of the BUSY 18 (accounting software),its salient features as well as benefits. He also emphasized on various initiatives taken by the companyaimed to boost brand visibility, enhance customer experience, channel partner experience and numerous initiatives to reduce support requirements. He also informed about the introduction of power features such as:
o Second language support for local languages
o Provision to download product updates from within BUSY itself
o BUSY mobile app to connect with real time data (approx. 50K D/L)
o BDEP (Business Data Exchange Platform) to exchange invoices electronically
o BUSY BNS App (Business Notification Service) (Approx. 15K D/L)
o BUSY agent for auto backup & dongle server in both SQL / Access mode
Talking about the meet, Dinesh Kumar Gupta, Co-founder & Director said, “Our 2020 strategy is to improve the working system with our partners. In India, 1.25 crores firms are being registered, out of which at least 1.2 crores are medium and small enterprises. Our market share is still small. Additionally, we will be organizing practice and training programmes to assist the partners and train them into professionals who will be responsible to serve their customers well.In the last 2 years, with the help of our Solution Partners, we have replaced many popular ERPs like SAP, Navision with BUSY at many organisations and there is still a long way to go”.
He added, “Our plan is to make BUSY, world’s number one accounting software for small and medium enterprises to ease their financial accounting. We will never compromise on the quality while delivering our products to ensure value-addition to the industry. We are aiming to empower our partners with more opportunities to grow with us and grow them as their own client’s strategic partner and not just a vendor. It will help them to grow a stronger customer base across the country. It is very important to note that one must use platforms like partner connect for constructive purpose and avoid cross-territory sales as well as collaborations from third-party platforms. This event is our token of gratitude for the remarkable work by our partners. We believe that we all will work together to achieve the company’s goals, as it has been done in the previous years with the same spirit and enthusiasm”.