Celestial virtual gathering of bloggers and social media influencers
India’s top bloggers did yoga together with Argentina Trainer

Chandigarh: India’s top and highly paid bloggers and social media influencers gathered virtually on Friday for TLJ Bloggers & Social Media Awards 2020. An intellectual panel discussion on “Life, Style, Fashion & Cyber Security Post COVID 19 pandemic” was held at the virtual meet.
Dr. Amit Kumar Pandey, President and CTO of Hanson Robotics (of Sohpia robot fame) joined the event from Paris. He talked about role of AI post COVID 19 pandemic. Amit Bhawani, among the leading bloggers of India specializing in Gadgets and also the Editor-in-Chief of Phone Radar was a panelist and spoke on the role of social media post pandemic. Mr. Vivek Atray, Ex-IAS, author and motivational speaker talked about people’s perception of life-then and now. Other panelists included Upasana Kochhar, a leading blogger and Dr. Nimrita Bassi, who runs a popular digital marketing firm. Shruti Singla, a leading fashion designer and the founder of poplar fashion label Shruti S. led the panel discussion. The awards were announced by Dr. Neha Miglani, Chief Consulting Editor, The Lifestyle Journalist Magazine.
“Influ-Yoga” was the highlight of evening. Pamela Vinctin, a very senior International Yoga Teacher who is a Luxury Handbag Designer conducted a special session for influencers. Pamela is born in Argentina and is Indian at heart, she concurs. Pamela is currently in Panama gave interesting yoga tips to bloggers and Influencers, who are surrounded by around gadgets all the time! “A major part of the day it either shooting our content or writing, editing etc. So the session was really useful,” said Ankur Vadhera, founder of TLJ Bloggers & Social Media Awars and MD, Third Eye Media Group.
Jury Awards
1. Tanya Khanijow Best Travel Blogger (Jury Award)
2. Siddhi Karwa Best Personal Style (Jury Award)
3. House of Misu Best Luxury Fashion Blogger (Jury Award)
4. Amit Bhawani Jury Award in Social Media Category
5. Shivay Nath Best Travel Blogger (Jury Award)
6. Shivesh Bhatia Food Feed of the Year (Jury Award)
Popular Choice Category
1. Best Beauty Blogger
Margee Sharma
2. Best Newbie Fashion Blogger
Diksha Rawat
3. Best Lifestyle Blogger
4. Best Fitness Blogger
5. Best Fashion Blogger
(i) Rubby (ii) Nikki Mehra
6. Style Blogger of 2020
Silvy Mehta
7. Best Insta Feed
8. Best Parenting Blogger
Anupama Dalmia
9. Best DIY Blogger
10. Best Style and Beauty influencer
Bhavdeep Kaur
11. Best Food Blogger
Tanisha Mehra
12. Best LGBTQ Voice
Nitasha Biswas
13. Best Travel Blogger
Abhiandnow (Abhinav Chandel)
14. Insta Reel Star
Sana Grover
15. Best Viral Content Creator
Ankita Chawla
16. Social Media Entertainer of the Year
Ronit Asra
17. Social Voice of the Year
Poonam Sapra (& Pranav Sapra)
18. Best App 2020