CGC Landran wins the top spot in Learnathon conducted by ICT Academy
Chandigarh Engineering College, CGC Landran has been adjudged as the State Level Winner by securing the first place in Learnathon, conducted by the ICT Academy, Chennai.

Chandigarh Engineering College, CGC Landran has been adjudged as the State Level Winner by securing the first place in Learnathon, conducted by the ICT Academy, Chennai. Aimed at helping higher education students build their foundational IT skills online, Learnathon is a self-learning initiative wherein, CGC outshone its competitors by completing 200 student-learnings. An initiative of the Government of India, State Government and Industry, ICT Academy has been formed under the public-private-partnership mode. It has an overarching objective of developing industry & employment ready students and next generation teachers, through initiatives such as the Learnathon that seek to harness the potential of students through quality-focus skill development via online learning.
India has the unique advantage of having the world’s youngest workforce however as per the India Skills Report released in early January this year, only 49.5 per cent of graduated were found to be employable. These findings shine a spotlight on the importance of focusing attention towards nurturing the country’s students’ skill quotient through customised and specialised learning opportunities. CGC Landran has been at the forefront of bridging the industry academia gap through participation in events such as Learnathons, Smart India Hackathons, and interactive sessions with industry doyens in addition to signing pacts with global brands such as AWS, IBM, Infosys, including the ICT Academy among others for training and up skilling its students.