CII Chandigarh Fair 2022 offers a wide array of organic and healthy products
From farming organically to wellness for a healthy lifestyle

Chandigarh, October 15, 2022:
From safeguarding borders to safeguarding health
The 25th CII Chandigarh Fair saw a variety of natural and organic products, promoting awareness on food sustainability. Hall 3 of the fair gives an intriguing insight into how a veteran from the Armed Forces switched to organic farming and is keen to promote an organic range of products that are suitable for all age groups.
A team of six veteran members from Uttarakhand took up the initiative of pursuing organic farming. “We cultivate 83 varieties of crops including pulses, sesame, millets, and vegetables depending on the weather conditions prevailing in Dehradun. In order to expand our customer base, we have also come up with organic noodles and organic cookies for the present generation so that they can adapt to organic food by enjoying the food that they are fond of consuming”, said the exhibitor of the Assav Organics.
He further added that they have adopted the method of biodynamics, a pseudo-scientific method of agriculture, to enhance their production. Along with diverse organic products, the stall also provides eco-friendly jute bags from Odisha.
‘Adopt a Beehive’ in Uttarakhand Himalayas
Another exhibitor from Uttarakhand displayed packages of organic tea and honey with small hampers that can be presented as healthy Diwali gift packs. The exhibitor mentioned that the honey is created from traditional methods and was high on nutrition and medicinal value making it ideal for everyone’s consumption.
In addition, he also introduced a concept of ‘Adopt a Beehive’ promoted by Himalayan Tree whereby visitors can support the honeybee population by supporting those who manage their colonies; the beekeepers who are keeping the artisanal honey production alive. Through this, the visitors can provide livelihood benefits to rural producers and environmental services in return of purest, raw and organic seasonal honey delivered to their doorstep from their own beehive.
Undoubtedly, CII provides a great platform and acts as a catalyst in showcasing new inventions and inculcate the habits among the general public towards healthy living, especially since the pandemic struck the world. The exposure which small brands get here adds a lot to their confidence, especially ones with less interaction opportunities with their direct consumer.