City people eagerly waiting to teach BJP lesson for its failure on all fronts in MC poll: Rana
He was addressing an election rally in support of Congress candidate Gurbax Rawat in Sector 40 C of Ward No. 27 on Thursday

Chandigarh, December 16: “In past 6 years while in power at Chandigarh MC , BJP has made no efforts for the betterment of Chandigarh. City people are waiting impatiently for December 24 to oust BJP and teach it a lesson for its complete failure on all fronts,”
Sujanpur MLA and VP of HP Congress Committee, Rajendra Rana Rana stated this while addressing an election rally in support of Congress candidate Gurbax Rawat in Sector 40 C of Ward No. 27 on Thursday.
He said that people of Chandigarh are showering questions from BJP leaders, and they are peeping sideways and running away from questions.
Rana said that the first direct question of the people of Chandigarh is how Chandigarh, which was always in the first three places in the country in the ranking of cleanliness, slipped to the 66th position in the national ranking during the BJP rule. Who is responsible for this . he asked
Apart from this, the people of Chandigarh want to know why the property worth crores of electricity department is being given in private hands and why BJP is advocating privatization of the electricity department while the electricity department is running in profit instead of loss. In spite of showing the feat of increasing the water and sewerage bills 3 times in the Chandigarh Municipal Corporation area during the last 6 years, with what mouth have the BJP leaders come out to seek votes from the public.
Rana further said that out of the 25 promises through which BJP got the power, only 8 promises were fulfilled. For the remaining unfulfilled promises, people want to know their answers. In this MC poll, the public will give BJP a befitting reply for breaking its own promises.
Rana said that the manner in which the BJP has fielded its army of big leaders including Chief Ministers of many states in the Chandigarh Municipal Corporation elections, the panic of the BJP is clearly visible. BJP leaders have also come to know that the people of Chandigarh have now decided BJP's departure from this municipal corporation.
Had promises been implemented by BJP, the army of big would not have been required in Chandigarh to seek votes, he maintained.