City’s School, Abhyasa Intl, known for mega theatrical performances, stages yet another Soap Opera with 350 kids on single stage in the city at Shilpakalavedika

Staged a mega theater performance “Roots in our Culture and Wings for the Future”. It was very rare to see the whole school strength on stage performing in the opera.

City’s School, Abhyasa Intl, known for mega theatrical performances, stages yet another Soap Opera with 350 kids on single stage in the city at Shilpakalavedika
Abhyasa School organised a mega theatre play to celebrate its 25th Anniversary where 350 students, the complete school participated in a single 90 minutes long soap opera.

Hyderabad, January 13, 2023: The Hyderabad City’s School, Abhyasa Residential Public School is known for mega theatrical performances, staged yet another Soap Opera with 350 kids on single stage in the city at Shilpakalavedika on Thursday night.

The theme of the show was “Roots in our Culture and Wings for the Future” involving 350 students on stage. The entire school strength was on stage performing in the opera. No student was left behind, informs Vinaayaka Kalleetla CEO and Founder Director of Abhyasa

Every student of the school took part in the performance.  It was quite rare that all students gave performance on a single stage, said Vinaayaka Kalleetla.

Vinayaka Kalleetla said, we write our own plays. We don’t copy. Our themes are well researched. Our students write dialogues. Seniors train juniors. It took one month for preparation.

Abhyasa International School is known for Mega Theatre shows.  Hemanth Utsav is held every year in January enable students to hone their artistic talents in the fields of dance, drama and music based on a contemporary theme that is of topical interest to the society.  Their theatre performances are talk of the town as the themes of the plays  are topic in nature.

The mega theatrical performance was staged on the occasion of Abhyasa International Residential Public School completing 25 years of incredible journey and to celebrate its Silver Jubilee. 

"We use skits, dramas and theater performances to build Confidence & Creativity in our children. By choosing topical and contemporary subjects, we make our students socially aware and conscious so that they not only perform but also imbue values that arise in the stories that they create” says Vinayaka.

The school gives a lot of importance to dramatics. It had run a film workshop by Bollywood for them in the past. Involvement in the arts is associated with gains in math, reading, cognitive ability, critical thinking, and verbal skill. Arts learning can also improve motivation, concentration, confidence, and teamwork, observed Vinayaak.

The school made a humble beginning in 1996 in a 25-acre campus, with just 36 students and runs to its full capacity of 400. It is regarded as the number 1 residential school in Telangana. 

P. Muralidhar Rao, former BJP General Secretary, graced as Chief Guest; Yoganand an entrepreneur and politician was the Guest of honour. They gave away awards to meritorious students. 

Addressing the gathering P. Muralidhar Rao said India is becoming an important country in the world. Now we are the 5th largest economy in the world but we were number one for 1000 years. We must bring that glory back. Make India great again. 

To achieve this one sector that is important is education and teaching. It is a sacred profession. This one profession that teaches all other professions. It will be a game changer for India. Teachers will bring glory back to India. Indian teachers will be global gurus very soon, he said. 

Yoganand asked students not to be job seekers, instead become job givers. Be a valuable citizen for the country. 

Addressing the students Vinaayaka Kalleetla CEO and Founder Director of Abhyasa said the world today needs competent professionals in every diverse field; be it Engineering, Medicine, Management, Finance, Banking, Entertainment, Sports, Fashion, Culture or even Spirituality! But unfortunately, commercialization of education has led to lopsided attention being given to only a limited few professions, following the transient market trends. A system which ignores the innate potential within every child, is bound to fail sooner than later... Like in a crowded boat, when everyone rushes towards one side, it capsizes instantly! Even 25 years ago, Abhyasa was way ahead of her times, in recognising the need for a natural balance in our society 

Abhyasa emphasizes that marks or educational certifications would only help one to get entry into another higher educational institution, but its only skill based and value based ‘all around education’ would lead an individual towards a successful life.