Class 11 girl assaulted by boy student in Noida school

A Class 11 girl of a private school was allegedly brutally assaulted by a boy student in Uttar Pradesh's Noida, police said.

Class 11 girl assaulted by boy student in Noida school
Source: IANS

Noida, Oct 14 (IANS) A Class 11 girl of a private school was allegedly brutally assaulted by a boy student in Uttar Pradesh's Noida, police said.

According to the police, the incident took place on Friday over a harassment complaint lodged by the victim against the accused three days ago.

The girl had approached the school authorities with a complaint of harassment and misbehaviour by the boy and his friends which was ignored.

Enraged over the complaint, the boy waylaid the girl on Friday and attacked her brutally as his friends watched.

On learning about the incident, the victim's family filed a complaint with both -- the school principal and the police. 

However, authorities of Pathways school located in Noida's Sector-100, where the incident was reported, attempted to suppress the matter, the police said.

According to sources, the accused student belongs to an influential family.

Deputy Commissioner of Police, Assistant Commissioner of Police and other police officials of the police station concerned rushed to the spot .