Collaborative research project sanctioned to PU faculty

Chandigarh, March 16, 2024: Science and Engineering Research Board (SERB) under newly formed Anusandhan National Research Foundation based research project amounting to Rs. 47 lakhs has been sanctioned to Dr Rohit Kumar Sharma, faculty at Department of Chemistry Panjab University Chandigarh from.
This project has been awarded in collaboration with Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Hyderabad for development of NIR emitting peptide conjugated metallic nanoclusters for effective photothermal therapy targeting cancer cells. For this, nanoconjugates will be developed at Panjab University which will be tested for photothermal therapy at IIT Hyderabad.
Dr. Sharma’s lab is also working on BARC sponsored project for development of radiolabelled antimicrobial peptide based strategy and has recently completed DST-Technology development Program (TDP) project in collaboration with IIT-Madras for prototype development for which patent has been applied.