Computer Components and their Functions

Computer is an essential part of our life now a days and has made our lives easier if we compare to the earlier times. We all use Computer/Laptop everyday but have you ever thought of how each component of your computer works and why these components are needed? Let’s discuss each of these components is detail.
1. Motherboard
Motherboard as the name suggest is the mother of all components to which all other components are attached.
Motherboard is often known as the heart of the computer, without which it is impossible to imagine a computer to work. It consists of several integrated components like I/O ports (USB port, LAN port, etc), also other integrated slots for expanding the storage (HDD, SDD), Processor, Power supply, RAM, etc.
2. Power Supply
Power supply is one of the major components of computer without which the computer cannot boot. Basically, the Power supply has only one major role of giving power to all the other mechanism of the PC.
3. Input and output devices
Input and output devices are the external components of the computer that are attached to the computer to retrieve data from or to the device itself. I/O devices includes mice, external HDD, flash drive, speakers, monitor, printers, etc.
4. CPU (Central Processing Unit)
CPU is the major component that works the most. CPU is the one that is responsible for doing all the necessary calculations that are needed for the computer to work properly and different CPU’s varies in speeds. CPU generates excessive amount of heat therefore a fan is placed onto a CPU to reduce the heating issues.
5. RAM (Random Access Memory)
RAM is a short-term memory that is responsible to load a program and whenever the program is closed, the amount of RAM accessed by the program is released. For example, when you open a word document, some amount of RAM is reserved for that word document so it can work properly.
More amount of RAM helps in multi-tasking (working on many programs at once).
6. HDD/SSD (Hard Disk Drive/Solid State Drive)
HDD/SSD are the storage devices to which data is stored or retrieved from. Also, the main operating system is also installed onto HDD/SSD. SSD is much faster than HDD.
7. Graphics Card
Graphic cards are the major component if you a gamer, graphic designer, video editor or doing any work that requires more complex calculations that a CPU itself cannot handle. Graphics cards have their own CPU and RAM built onto them for doing performing these complex functions. Also, Graphic cards comes in different prices according to the performance they offer.
(Author Pulkit Dhiman may be contacted on his Email ID: [email protected])