Constitution Day celebrated in Innocent Hearts

Jalandhar, November 26, 2021: Constitution Day was celebrated with great enthusiasm in the four schools of Innocent Hearts (GMT, Loharan, CJR , Nurpur) to make the students aware about the Constitution of the country.
According to the instructions of the Punjab State Legal Services Authority, the students of classes VII to IX were informed about the Preamble of the Constitution and asked to uphold the dignity of India's sovereignty, secularism, democracy and republic. The students of classes VII and VIII were administered an oath to follow the Constitution of the country faithfully that they would always be ready to protect the democracy of the country. Mock Parliament was organized in the school auditorium for the students of class IX in which the students expressed their views on the Agriculture-Law Bill, New Education Policy 2020. In this, students came as MPs of different parties and they expressed their views while playing the role of MPs from the side and the opposition. The Head of the Department of Social Sciences informed the children about the Articles of the Constitution and made them well acquainted with the facts of the Constitution. She asked all the students present there questions based on agriculture-law related bill, new education policy and motivated the students to protect the constitution.