Covid 19: Instructions issued for people playing Holi and organising langar
Cleanliness should be maintained and people should be provided with soap at langar sites

Ludhiana: In view of Novel Coronavirus (COVID 19), Deputy Commissioner Mr Pradeep Kumar Agrawal has issued instructions for citizens to save themselves while celebrating Holi festival and while organising Langar’s. These instructions have been issued by the Health Department.
Mr Agrawal said that langar’s are being organised by some people during these days. He stated that people attending these langar’s should be provided soaps so that they can wash their hands before and after partaking langar. He said that proper cleanliness should be maintained at the langar sites at all times, besides hygiene of the Sewadar’s serving langar should also be kept in mind and they should be asked to wear gloves and cover their heads.
He further said that it is important to know that if any person have visited coronavirus affected areas or countries in last 28 days or have come in contact with its patient, then they should avoid celebrating holi or attending the langar’s. He said that hands should be properly washed for at least 20 seconds with soap or hand sanitiser before partaking langar. He said that one should stay at least 1 metre away from people who are having cough, fever or problem in breathing.
The Deputy Commissioner further stated that one should not spit in open and should use a tissue/handkerchief or bent elbow, to cover your cough or sneezing. Hands should be washed properly and never touch your eyes, nose and mouth.
He further stated that while celebrating the Holi festival, people should avoid organising big public events, should avoid participating in water sports, rain holi etc. He said that one should only use organic colours and one should not touch eyes, nose and mouth of the other person while celebrating holi. One should avoid celebrating holi if you have come in contact with a person suffering from Coronavirus or have visited any area/country affected with it in last 14 days.
Mr Agrawal said that the District Administration Ludhiana is all geared up to tackle any untoward situation. He stated that although the situation was not so alarming in India, but we should stay alert and take precautions to keep ourselves and others safe from novel coronavirus. We should be careful and maintain highest standards of hygiene like washing hands regularly, avoiding close contact with people etc.
He has appealed to residents that this disease is curable and one should not panic about it. He also said that people should not fall prey to rumours spread on social media about Novel Coronavirus. He clarified that the District Administration has already made adequate arrangements to tackle any situation if any case of this disease surfaces in the district.
The Deputy Commissioner stated that information regarding suspected patient should be given at national control room 01123978046 or at state control room number 01722920074 or at helpline number 104.