Covid 19: Number of shelter homes for homeless increased in district Ludhiana
More than 35,000 people can stay in these shelter homes at one time

People should contact their nearest police station: Deputy Commissioner
Ludhiana: In view of the lockdown in the district, the District Administration have started shelter home facility for homeless and needy persons, where they would be provided shelter, food and medical facilities.
While providing information, District Magistrate-cum-Deputy Commissioner Mr Pradeep Kumar Agrawal have informed that under the Disaster Management Act 2005, 57 locations buildings have been designated as shelter homes in district Ludhiana. An SHO level officer and a Civil Officer have been deputed as incharge of each shelter home. Two SDM’s, Ludhiana (West) and Ludhiana (East) have been appointed as nodal officers for these shelter homes.
Earlier, 10 locations were identified, but now the number has been increased to 57. He said that now, more than 35,000 people can be housed in these shelter homes at one given time.
Mr Agrawal informed that the needy and homeless should give intimation at their nearest Police Station, and then the police would take them to the shelter homes. In shelter homes, these people would have to maintain social distancing at all times. He informed that for proper functioning of these shelter homes, Police Commissioner, Secretary RTA, PSPCL, MC Commissioner, Civil Surgeon, SDM Ludhiana (East and West) have been deputed.
The Deputy Commissioner have appealed to the migrants moving towards other states to reach these shelter homes and follow all guidelines related to the lockdown.