Customs Commissionerate organized AEO Outreach Programme in collaboration with FIEO
Around 50 participants give their presence

Ludhiana: As part of “Ease of Doing Business” framework, Customs Commissionerate, Ludhiana, organized an Authorized Economic Operator(AEO) Outreach Programme in collaboration with FIEO on Tuesday at FIEO Office, Ludhiana.
Around 50 participants including representatives of FIEO, CICU and other importers/exporters were present. Senior officers of Customs, Ludhiana highlighted salient features of AEO scheme, number of applications received till date, major shortcomings noticed in filing the AEO applications etc.
The programme was launched at Customs Commissionerate, Ludhiana in January, 2018. The programme has been received hands on by various trade bodies such as CICU, FIEO and CHA Association. As on date, 73 entities have been certified as AEO entities by Customs Commissionerate, Ludhiana under different tiers (T1 – 59, T2 – 11 and LO – 3). Seventeen AEO applications for grant of AEO status are under process.
Commissioner of Customs, Ludhiana A.S. Ranga said the AEO programme ensures supply chain security and provides enhanced facilitation in clearance of cargo leading to reduction in dwell time, besides a plethora of other benefit e.g. facility of deferred payment of import duties, faster disbursal of drawback amount, fast tracking of refunds and adjudications.
Short presentations on AEO scheme were given by Customs staff followed by Q & A session on the AEO scheme and its modalities. In the workshop/camp, all information, clarification as well as filing of AEO application was provided to the stakeholders.