DAVIET ranked 69th amongst top private engineering colleges nationwide
Reveals India Today-MDRA Survey Report

Jalandhar: DAV Institute of Engineering and Technology made it to the elite league of top engineering colleges in the country as it was ranked 69th in the nationwide survey of Best Private Engineering Colleges of India by India Today-MDRA Survey. The achievement confirms the fact that DAVIET has established itself as a high seat of learning in the field of technical and professional education in the nation. The Institutions in the fray were evaluated on the basis of core parameters of Intake Quality & Governance, Academic Excellence, Infrastructure & Living Experience, Personality & Leadership Development, Career Progression & Placement, Objective Score and Perceptual Score. The Institution was awarded the rank by India Today after multiple rounds of enquiry and data verification & validation which involved getting the preliminary information through detailed questionnaires, followed by validation visits, parameters assignment and weightage finalization to ensure a rigorous quantitative and qualitative analysis of the rankings of top engineering colleges in India.
Dr. Manoj Kumar, Principal DAVIET congratulated the faculty, staff and all the stakeholders for this achievement. He shared that due to COVID-19, education sector has been hit hard as according to the latest UNESCO report, the COVID 19 lockdown has affected over 91 % of the world student population which translates to more than 157 crore students across 191 countries. The Indian situation is no different and as many as 32 crore students have been affected by the lockdown imposed by the prime minister Narendra Modi on 25th March, 2020 to combat the pandemic. He shared that during this tough times DAVIET is committed to innovate and evolve. The ranking given to the institute epitomizes the prevalence of quality academic standards which ensures the transformation of every DAVIETian into a responsible and conscientious citizen of the nation. Talking about the approach opted for by the institute during the lockdown, he shared that the teachers have regularly involved all the students in online teaching and they have shown their commitment to the cause by engaging students through Google Suit, M-Tutors, TCS iON, and Microsoft Teams by providing the students e-content for flipped learning, live video class room sessions and NPTEL videos. Further, through products like E-Box and Talent Rank, the students have constantly improved their knowledge base and have remained updated with the latest in their respective fields. The students have also been encouraged to enroll for MOOCS so as to improve their skills set.
Dr Manoj said that in the current Covid affected world there is an urgent need to democratize education and innovate so as to explore and master hitherto uncharted ways of imparting quality education. He further shared that at DAVIET, cross functionality and interdisciplinary approach is emphasized. He credited the dedicated faculty and staff for the achievement which leave no stone unturned in facilitating the learning experience of the students in every possible way.