DAVIET top ranked in All India Engineering Colleges
The Week-Hansa Research Survey 2020

Jalandhar: DAV Institute of Engineering and Technology made it to the elite league of the top private engineering institutions of the country as it was ranked 110th in the nationwide assessment of Best Private Engineering Colleges of India by The Week-Hansa Survey 2020. The ranking of the institution stands as a testimony to the prevalence of high academic standards in the campus. The Institution was awarded 110th rank by The Week in a list comprising 150 top engineering colleges of the country, after multiple rounds of enquiry and validation which involved getting the preliminary information through detailed questionnaires, followed by validation visits, parameters assignment and weightage finalization to ensure a rigorous quantitative and qualitative analysis of the rankings of top engineering colleges in India.
Dr. Manoj Kumar, Principal DAVIET congratulated the faculty, staff and all the stakeholders for this achievement. He highlighted the fact that during the tough times of Covid-19 pandemic the educational institutions are under tremendous pressure as on the one hand they have to ensure that quality education is imparted to students, while on the other hand the safety of all the stakeholders has to be ensured. At DAVIET, the transition from the traditional mode of education to the online mode has been seamless. He shared that it is because of the emaculate planning done to make available educational resources available to all the students. He highlighted the fact that at DAVIET everyone believes in the adage adapt and deliver and the institution has gone ahead with the plan to implement the blended learning module which will address the needs of the individual students. He stated that the faculty and staff have engaged the students through dedicated Whatsapp groups, Google classrooms, M-Tutors, TCS iON Digital Glass Room, and Zoom online conference classrooms by providing the students notes, e-content, videos specific to important topics and NPTEL videos. Further, through products like E-Box and Talent Rank, the students have constantly improved their knowledge base and have remained updated with the latest in their respective fields. The students have also been encouraged to enroll for MOOCS so as to improve their skills set. The Institution has also decided to incorporate online teaching as a regular feature in times to come through the use of Microsoft Teams Software.
Dr Manoj further shared that at DAVIET we understand the need to democratize education, hence cross functionality and interdisciplinary approach is emphasized. He credited the dedicated faculty and staff for the achievement which leave no stone unturned in facilitating the learning experience of the students in every possible way.