Day 7 of DST supported STUTI hands-on training program
Day 7 of DST supported STUTI hands-on training program in association with SAIF PU, Chandigarh was successfully completed at Department of chemistry,PU Chandigarh.

Chandigarh June 3, 2022: Day 7 of DST supported STUTI hands-on training program in association with SAIF PU, Chandigarh was successfully completed at Department of chemistry,PU Chandigarh. Expert lecture on Gas chromatography mass spectrometery (GC-MS) was delivered by Dr. Shailendra Singh. Participants were imparted with the working principle and applications of the technique. The talks were followed by the hands-on training on the GC-MS.
During the second half, the valedictory session of the training program was commenced in the presence of honourable Chief Guest Prof. Yajvender Pal Verma, Registrar, PU, Chandigarh; Prof. Ganga Ram Chaudhary, STUTI Program coordinator (PMU), PU, Chandigarh, Prof. Sonal Singhal, Chairperson, Department of chemistry, PU, Chandigarh and Dr. Rohit Kumar Sharma, Training coordinator, Department of chemistry, PU, Chandigarh.
Prof. Y.P. Verma addressed the participants and appreciated the efforts of all the coordinators for successfully organizing & completing the STUTI training program. The welcome note from alnl other dignitaries followed by the event summary and felicitation were the key highligjhts of the valediction. The feedback of the participants were received at the end.
Participants were happy with the hands-on training provided during the training program and free of cost sample analysis. They felt motivated and highly appreciated the initiative taken by the DST, Govt. Of India for creating a platform where all researchers can enhance their technical skill through open access to S&T infrastructure. They were grateful to the dignitaries, program coordinators, organizers, support staff, technical support and everyone for the successful commencement of the STUTI training program.
Participants presented cultural activities of their own states after the valediction.