Degree Award Ceremony and Alumni Meet of UIET

University Institute of Engineering & Technology, Panjab University, Chandigarh organized the Degree Award Ceremony for the students passed out in the year 2021 at Tagore Theatre, Sector 18, Chandigarh. 

Degree Award Ceremony and Alumni Meet of UIET

Chandigarh, November 12, 2022: University Institute of Engineering & Technology, Panjab University, Chandigarh organized the Degree Award Ceremony for the students passed out in the year 2021 at Tagore Theatre, Sector 18, Chandigarh.  Around 250 UIET students of M.E.& B.E. courses of CSE, IT, Biotech, EEE, ECE and Mechanical were awarded  degrees in the ceremony. Six topper students of UIET were awarded Gold Medals.

Professor J.K.Goswamy, Director, UIET welcomed the Chief guest, Guest of Honor, faculty members, parents and students for sparing their day for this event.   Professor Goswamy emphasized the need of healthy relationship between alumni and the alma-mater in order to make UIET competitive not only in region, but also globally.

Sunny Guglani, Head, Air Bus India and South Asia was invited as Guest of Honour. Guglani is alumni  of UIET from  batch 2002-2006 of  ECE branch, presently at next position to CEO of Air Bus.  Professor RenuVig, Dean of University Instruction, Panjab University and Professor Y.P.Verma, Registrar, Panjab University, Chandigarh  who were invited as Chief Guest, graced the occasion with their addresses.  Professor RenuVig expressed the challenges students face in following their career path while Professor Y.P.Verma emphasized on healthy students-teachers interaction.  Sunny Guglani talking about his professional journey emphasized about  self confidence and ability to take up calculated risk with humility to achieve success.  Students showed happiness on being awarded degrees.
This was followed by Alumni Meet 2022 organised under the patronage of Vice Chancellor of Panjab University, Prof Raj Kumar and guidance of Director, UIET Prof. J K Goswamy. Prof. Goswamy stressed on the need to reunite with alumni as they are the wealth of the institute. Prof. Kalpana Dahiya, faculty incharge of Alumni cell, updated the alumni about the initiatives taken by the institute to strengthen alumni relations. More than 200 alumni from all around the globe registered for this meet. The event was marked by the launch of the Alumni newsletter and Almashines portal to help connect and reunite with alumni.

There was comprehensive panel discussion on fostering institute alumni relations and taking UIET to the next level of growth. There were cultural performances with dance, theatre and music along with other fun activities organised by Student Team of Alumni Relations.

Overall, it was a successful and enriching event organised by UIET, PU.