Demand to allow new industry in Punjab
LETS meets PPCB chairman

Ludhiana: Team of Ludhiana Effluent Treatment Society (LETS) under the Leadership of Narinder Bhamra CEO along with Gurmeet Singh Kular Secretary LETS, Rajan Gupta and Chander Parkash Sabharwal Directors LETS met Prof. Satwinder Singh Marwaha, Chairman, Punjab Pollution Control Board, and discussed certain issues. The detail of the discussed issues is as under:
Allowing the consents to new industry
The consents of new industry are on hold due plea of PPCB that CETP need to enhance capacity as existing capacity is already exhausted. It is submitted that CETP is operational for 12-14 Hrs. per day and there is a scope of Treatment of more Effluent by increasing the Hrs. of operation of CETP.
You are very kindly requested to GRANT RELIEF and issue necessary directions to the operator to enter into agreements with new Industries and instruct the officers of your department to grant Consents to new units seeking agreement and consent in the best interest for facilitating the new Industries who have made huge investments on their projects and in order to maintain the rhythm of growth in the industrialization of Punjab which is already suffering from the recession in the overall economy of India and particularly Punjab. The programs like Invest Punjab, are encouraging the industrialist to invest into new industries in Punjab, and on the other hand PPCB is not issuing the consents to operate.
2. Billet Induction Heaters:
Industry was encouraged to use latest clean and pollution free technology by installing the billet heaters. On 29th May 2014, PSPCL issued a circular that Billet Heaters installed shall be treated as Power Intensive Units (PIU) category w.e.f. 01-01-2014, the said circular never came into the notice of the industry, and now PSPCL is surveying the industry and where-ever they are finding the billet heaters they are imposing the penalty of 200% to the industry.
There should be classification of billet heaters on the basis power consumption as well as output, for example the power required by 4” X 4” or 6” X 6” steel billet when subjected to heater, as compared to 10 mm steel bar to heat up for making cycle parts, or bolts. The issue was taken up with the authorities & regulatory committee for allowing the industry to use induction billet heaters up to 500 kW without PIU Category. & PSPCL has allowed the industry to use the induction billet heaters up to 100 kW, The Team whole heartedly thanked the PSPCL Authorities. At the same time the Team LETS demanded for allowing the industry to use induction billet heaters up to 500 kW.
Fee Structure for New Applications
Fee structure for granting new consents or renewal of consents is based on the Gross Block Undepreciated Value of Total Assets of the Organization which include the cost of total plant & machinery installed, along with the Cost of land & Building. Rather only the cost of the machinery causing pollution should be taken into consideration. For Example the Fee for the Rented Unit will be much lesser than the Unit on owned property, this creates the huge imbalance, and which should be taken into consideration & Fee should be applicable only on the plant & machinery which creates pollution, like electroplating plant etc.
Voluntary Disclosure Scheme for issue of Consent to Operate for unidentified industries
There are still many industries which have not joined the main stream of Ludhiana Effluent Treatment Society. Even PPCB could not identify those units. That such industries are mentally prepared to get their effluent treated at CETP but are afraid of the heavy penalties and cumbersome processes for obtaining the consent to operate because they are to pass through the heavy penalties and a lot of documentations as well as heavy pressure of the department officers.
Voluntary Disclosure Scheme should be floated which should be valid for minimum 3 months. This time is required for tracing them and making them aware about the human values as well as the danger of the effluent. This period should be accompanied by the support of the PPCB officers as well as with minimum possible requirement of documentation. Any penalty for the past is also required to be exempted. The VDS scheme will prove to be another step towards the minimization of the pollution in Punjab.
Prof. Satwinder Singh Marwaha Chairman PPCB assured the delegation that these demands are very genuine & suitable and assured that the timely action will be taken.