Demonstration of bottle gourd ice-creams and cake making at Home Science College

Chandigarh, September 4, 2021: On the fourth day of the ongoing Poshan Maah celebrations, demonstration cum workshop was conducted on bottle gourd ice cream and cake making in line with the theme of Poshan Maah ' Converging towards a healthy walk through life'.
Budding entrepreneur Aanchal Goyal running her online startup named Aanchal Delicacies, demonstrated ice cream made with the bottle gourd and milk. She also discussed the health benefits of various nutrients in bottle guard.
Later she also demonstrated healthy dry cakes made with millet and jaggery. The workshop was a kliedsceope to the tastier and healthier ways of cooking green vegetables apart from conventional ones.
Principal Prof Sudha Katyal appreciated the efforts of budding entrepreneur in providing insight in to an innovative way of using green vegetables in cooking.