Department of Radiodiagnosis brings laurels to Tanda Medical College
In a major academic achievement, the department of Radiodiagnosis, Tanda Medical College has done the institution proud by bagging two first prizes in quick succession

Dharamsala, January 4, 2022: “In a major academic achievement, the department of Radiodiagnosis, Tanda Medical College has done the institution proud by bagging two first prizes in quick succession”, said Dr Bhanu Awasthi, Principal, Tanda Medical College.
He added that in a recently held regional level conference on Emergency Radiology –SERCON in IGMC Shimla the department bagged the first prize in the Scientific Poster competition. The conference was attended by more than 200 delegates from all over India. “The prize winning entry featured research carried out under the guidance of Dr. Narvir Singh Chauhan, Professor and Head department of Radiodiagnosis on the usage of low dose CT scan protocols in extremity trauma. Earlier too in the month of October, the research work of Dr Chauhan on low dose split bolus CT urography was awarded the first prize in the prestigious Dr Rajendra Rao Abdominal Imaging CME held in Amritsar,” said Dr Awasthi.
Dr Chauhan has more than 70 International and national publications to his credit and has been conducting pioneering research on fetal MRI and on low dose CT protocols in the department. He credited the achievement to all co-faculty members, resident doctors and radiographers of his department.
Dr Bhanu Awasthi, while appreciating the efforts of faculty and students, said that achievements like these will go a long way in inculcating the spirit of research among students.