Diabetes and related complications can be considerably reduced through regular check-ups and customized meals

On World Diabetes Day, November 14, Doctors at Fortis Ludhiana talk about preventive measures, the role of moderate physical activity, and the need for a diabetes-specific diet for managing the disease. On a positive note, diabetes is reversible if people follow a disciplined lifestyle.

Diabetes and related complications can be considerably reduced through regular check-ups and customized meals

Ludhiana: South Asia, home to nearly a quarter of the world's population, is currently undergoing an epidemiological transition with an explosion in the prevalence of non-communicable diseases, the most worrying of them being the rate of increase of diabetics in this region. As per the Indian Council of Medical Research – India Diabetes (ICMR INDIAB) study published in 2023, the prevalence of diabetes is 10.1 crores in our country. The International Diabetes Federation (IDF) reports that metropolitan areas of India (17.0%) have a greater prevalence of diabetes than rural areas (3.0%). It is disturbing to note that in India, 1 in 2 diabetics go misdiagnosed. Considering unchecked diabetes can lead to renal failure, cardiovascular illnesses, and blindness, regular check-ups, and customized health plans go a long way in managing diabetes and preventing it from reaching a stage where it affects the renal system or the heart.

On World Diabetes Day, November 14, Doctors at Fortis Ludhiana talk about preventive measures, the role of moderate physical activity, and the need for a diabetes-specific diet for managing the disease. On a positive note, diabetes is reversible if people follow a disciplined lifestyle.

Here are some key preventive steps for diabetics to live a healthy life-
•       Healthy Eating: It involves making informed food decisions, adopting a balanced diet, and limiting your intake of processed and sugary foods.
•       Physical Activity: To maintain a healthy weight and reduce your risk of diabetes, get regular exercise such as walking, cycling, or yoga.
•       Frequent Screenings: Attend routine medical examinations, particularly if you have a family history of diabetes or other risk factors for the condition.
•       Preventive Measures for Prediabetes: If someone is diagnosed with Prediabetes, then it is imperative to follow the lifestyle changes, medications and other preventive measure to stop the condition from progressing into Diabetes.
•       Education and Support: Look for resources such as diabetes education programs and access to healthcare professionals to help you better manage your diabetes.

Dr. Jaspreet Singh, Associate Consultant - Endocrinology at Fortis Ludhiana Hospital, said, “Diabetes is a chronic metabolic condition and is characterized by elevated blood glucose (blood sugar) levels. Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes make up the majority of cases. While Type 2 diabetes is linked to lifestyle factors and often manifests in maturity, Type 1 diabetes is an autoimmune illness that frequently develops in childhood or adolescence. Although diabetes is often preventable, it's still vital to speak with a healthcare professional for personalized advice and to develop a strategy suited to an individual’s particular medical requirements.”