DM and other high-ups of FCI held meeting with Ashok Kumar Juneja
Gangeshwar Gosain DM and other high-ups of Food Corporation of India today held a meeting with Ashok Kumar Juneja, Advocate Advisor and Member Consultative Committee (FCI) at its Gill Road Office, Ludhiana to make the working of corporation more smooth and effective.

Ludhiana, June 1, 2022: Gangeshwar Gosain DM and other high-ups of Food Corporation of India today held a meeting with Ashok Kumar Juneja, Advocate Advisor and Member Consultative Committee (FCI) at its Gill Road Office, Ludhiana to make the working of corporation more smooth and effective.
FCI is working under the directions of Ministry of consumer affairs, Food & Public Distribution, Govt. of India, New Delhi having more than 21000 employees with many Zonal offices. The prime motto of FCI is to provide effective price support operations for safeguarding poor farmer’s interests. It undertakes massive movement operation of foodgrains all over the country and provide farmers remunerative prices and to make food grains available at reasonable prices particularly to vulnerably & the poor section of the society. It maintain buffer stocks as measure of Food security.
Juneja said that FCI plays vital role and is at cutting edge of India`s mission of Independence in rice and wheat following the green revolution. It has been overseeing obtainment and loading grain that upheld a huge public distribution system. It is providing employment to thousands and business opportunities to transporters & others.
He further said that consultative committee members will remain regularly held meetings and remain advising FCI so that public in general and the poor in particulars are benefitted in foodgrain availability.