Dr Ajay Sharma’s Hindi novel “Kumudini” released

Jalandhar, March 6, 2022: City-based noted Hindi novelist Dr Ajay Sharma’s new novel “Kumudini” was released at Press Club here on Sunday. The function was organised under the banner of the Punjab Kala Sahitya Akademi.
The event was presided over by Dr Rajesh Pasricha. Simar Sadosh, Dr Rajesh Pasricha, Kailash Bhardwaj, Dr Mohan Sapra, Tarsem Gujral, Kuldip Singh Bedi and Surinder Saini were among those present on the occasion.
Dr Rajesh Pasricha spoke about various aspects of the personality of Dr Ajay Sharma and his creative writings.
Sarla Bhardwaj in her address said the novel speaks about life values. She added the novel will automatically come in the center whenever there will be any talk about life values. She added Dr Ajay Sharma has successfully done a new experiment through his creativity in the novel.
Dr Vinod Kumar from LPU said canvas of the novel is very wide and it a total 120 points on which a detailed discussion can go ahead.
Dr Ajay Sharma said the theme of his novel is based on the IVF technique which has given a new ray of hope to women who were earlier unable to conceive and facing unwanted pressure from the society.
About the novel “Kumudini”
The novel has been written in an autobiographical style. Dr. Vishal is the narrator of the story. He holds a medical degree but he used to work as a journalist in a Daily. One day he was offered by Dr Kumudini to join her IVF Centre. Then Dr Vishal accepted this offer and started working in the IVF Center besides working in a Daily. There, Dr Vishal learnt a lot about the whole personality of Dr. Kumudini.
The style of this novel is amazing and Narrator Dr. Vishal has managed to weave his fabric very nicely along with his experiences as a journalist, writer and doctor.
The writer has successfully narrated many aspects of the IVF technique. Dr. Kumudini who suffers from cancer has dedicated her whole life to enable couples to give birth to babies through IVF. She strongly felt that she is a cancer sufferer because she has played with nature. On the other hand, the patients who were treated at her IVF center consider her not less than God because they got blessed with their own babies only because of her.
Dr. Vishal - the narrator of the story used to first meet the patients visiting the IVF center. He used to gather complete minute details of the patients coming to him. The narrator used to come across with the varied patients including gays and lesbians. Interestingly, the novel not only discusses problems of the patients including gays and lesbians but it also tries to findout suitable solutions.
It was a challenging job for the author o deal with the story. However, he has succeeded in his task. The reader gets curious while reading the novel keeping in his mind - what next?
The novelist moves forward slowly unraveling the layers of suspense. In the middle of the novel it seems as if the climax has come, now what will happen next. The narrator also openly discussed the mystery of spirituality, birth, death etc. The characters have been built very strongly.
The novel is full of information related to many types of medical and psychology. The language is very strong and powerful. Here's an example. On page 58, the novel reads: "Testosterone in men and estrogen in women is produced by the hypothalamus. .... Hypothalamus is our Brahma and pituitary gland is Narad which increases hormones of males and females."