Dr Kamal Soi welcomes Punjab Government’s decision for commencement of HSRP affixation
HSRP affixation at the customer’s residence reflects far sighted vision

Ludhiana: Dr Kamal Soi , Chairman - Raahat The Safe Community Foundation, welcomed the announcement made by the Transport Minister , Razia Sultana, in her press release yesterday, followed by the Public Notice released by the Office of the State Transport Commissioner, Punjab, with regards to the affixation of High Security Registration Plates is very welcoming and encouraging. The last date of affixation of High Security Registration Plates has been fixed as 30th of June 2020. Dr Kamal Soi said that, we had been demanding the same from a very long time. This timely decision would help in controlling the vehicle borne crimes to a very large extent.
In view of the current pandemic, Covid-19, the additional facility of affixing High Security Registration Plates at the customer’s residence with additional nominal fee also reflects far sighted vision of the Punjab Government.
“I would like to personally congratulate the State Transport Ministry and the Office of State Transport Commissioner for this initiative.”, said Dr Soi, adding, “We would further like to request the concerned RTA’s/ SDMs of the State to kindly use this opportunity and ensures complete compliance by the General Public within the specified time frame.”
He said, “We have fought this battle hard and tough from last 12 years for the implementation of HSRP. Punjabis were being harassed in neighbouring state for not having HSRP on their vehicles.”
Concluding, he said, “We are hopeful that state government will take all possible measures and ensure that all the vehicle owners get these HSRP plates affixed by keeping all precautions due to Corona.”