Energy conservation is need of hour: Experts
The proceedings of the meeting are being forwarded to MCL, GLADA for further action

Ludhiana: Energy Conservation day was observed by Guru Nanak Dev Engineering College and The Institution of Engineers (India), Ludhiana local chapter in association with ASHRAE. Chandigarh Chapter in online mode today. Welcoming the guests, Er. Surjit Singh, Honorary Secretary, IE(I), Ludhiana local chapter said that energy usage was the governing index for a nation’s prosperity. We need to be conserving the energy in all our activities. The event was marked by an expert talk on Energy efficiency by Er. Balkar Singh, Retd. Director, PEDA, Chandigarh who highlighted the importance of energy conservation. Citing the climate change as one of the major adverse impacts of over exploitation of resources, he advocated judicious use of energy in all spheres. He highlighted the role of Punjab Energy Development Agency as state nodal agency for implementation of energy saving measures. He gave tips on how to save energy in various activities including homes, agriculture, industries and commercial buildings. A panel discussion on the topic of Effective implementation of Energy Conservation Building Code (ECBC) was also organized. The panelist included Ms. Akansha Krishan from Bureau of Energy Efficiency, Government of India who is currently working in ECBC cell at BEE, Sh. Ashu Gupta, Director, Design2Occupancy services, Jaipur: a leading green building consultant, Er. Money Khanna, Project Manager, PEDA, Chandigarh and Secretary, ASHRAE Chandigarh Chapter, Ar. Vivek Sehgal: HOD Architecture, GNDEC School of Architecture, Dr. N K Khullar, Retd. Professor, Civil Engineering, PAU, Ludhiana and Er. Balkar Singh, Retd. Director, PEDA. The panel was moderated by Dr. Arvind Dhingra, Energy Auditor and Faculty, GNDEC, Ludhiana.
In her opening remarks, Ms. Akansha highlighted the role of Bureau of Energy Efficiency with special reference to the ECBC cell. She said that besides the ECBC which was mainly being used in commercial/industrial establishments, the bureau has come out with Eco Niwas Samhita- a code for residential buildings. BEE was running lot of programs for popularizing the energy conservation amongst the masses. Sh. Ashu Gupta said that HVAC was the major load accounting for 50-60% of the total for a commercial building. In earlier days without caring for the climatic zone, the construction material used and the number of occupants, thumb rule design of providing 1 ton of air conditioning for every 100 sq.ft does not hold good now as it would mean wasting the energy. Er. Money Khanna enlightened the role of PEDA as implementing agency for ECBC in Punjab. Ar. Vivek Sehgal brought out the intricacies involved in designing energy efficient ECBC compliant buildings and the materials required for making such buildings. DR N K Khullar stressed upon use of non conventional energy resources like biogas to offset the demand of LPG. Er. Balkar Singh elaborated the difference between Energy Manager and Energy Auditor and the process of examination for these as conducted by BEEE. Ms. Akansha also informed the house about the pilot projects under ECBC and ENS running in selected states. Sh. Ashu Gupta gave details about the specifications of green building. Er. Money Khanna brought the fact that for all residential areas have area greater than 500sq.m, ENS was applicable. Er. Balkar Singh advocated the energy conservation to be a part of school and engineering study curriculum.
Er. R.L.Mahajan, Chairman, IE(I), Ludhiana local centre proposed a formal vote of thanks. Over 50 participants attended this meeting. The proceedings of the meeting are being forwarded to Municipal Corporation, Ludhiana, GLADA for further action.