Ex-ministers name missing from voter list: Sudhir Sharma
Says, he will approach the High Court for justice of such conspiracy of eliminating some particular voters

Dharamshala: In a press release issued today, former Minister and National Secretary of Congress, Sudhir Sharma said that there has been a lot of rigging in the voter lists for the Panchayati Raj elections in Himachal Pradesh. “There is a huge difference in the voters between the lists of the State Election Commission and the National Election Commission. Hundreds of voters are missing from the lists in almost every panchayat and around 50 to 250 votes are missing in these voter lists in these Panchayats”, said Sudhir.
Former minister added that those who have voted in the last Panchayati election and have also voted in the last assembly election and who have even the voter cards, are also missing from the voter list, which is really ridiculous.
Sudhir said, “My name, which was in the list during last elections and now in the new voter list, even my name has also been found missing. When such kind of negligence or conspiracy can happen to an ex-minister, then one can easily understand the anguish of a common man.”
He added that it seems as if the names of some people have been deleted under a well-thought-out conspiracy, As Most of the missing voters are those who are of Congress party’s ideology.
The Congress leader said, “In view of this, I have decided to approach the Hon'ble High Court, so that the State Election Commission could be asked about such a big difference in the electoral lists of the last Vidhan Sabha elections, last Panchayati Raj elections and ongoing Panchayati Raj elections and why thousands of voters of the state are being denied voting right. And if the state government wants to hijack Panchayati Raj elections by such tactics, then what is the authenticity of holding elections. Instead of elections, HP government should nominate people directly.”
He said that such tricks and tactics will not be tolerated in Panchayati Raj elections of Himachal.
He said that the Election Commission will have to make separate arrangements for left out voters or else the results will be serious.
The Panchayati Raj Institution (PRI) elections in Himachal Pradesh will be held in three phases on January 17, 19 and 21.