Expert from Odisha delivers a talk on water resources management at PAU

The Department of Soil and Water Engineering, Punjab Agricultural University (PAU), organized a guest lecture on “Scenario of Water Resource Management” which was delivered by Dr Ashwani Kumar, Ex-Director, Water Technology Center, Bhubaneswar, Odisha. The lecture was a part of the distinguished lecture series programme of the CAAST-SNRM project.

Expert from Odisha delivers a talk on water resources management at PAU

Ludhiana, September 21, 2023: The Department of Soil and Water Engineering, Punjab Agricultural University (PAU), organized a guest lecture on “Scenario of Water Resource Management” which was delivered by Dr Ashwani Kumar, Ex-Director, Water Technology Center, Bhubaneswar, Odisha. The lecture was a part of the distinguished lecture series programme of the CAAST-SNRM project.

Dr Kumar’s lecture illustrated the global as well as the national scenario of water resource management, the present status of water use efficiency, and the strategies for efficient utilization of water resources, providing profound insights into this critical field. He traced the journey via time peppered with personal anecdotes that showcased the challenges and triumphs of his personal experiences in the field of water management during the past years. His insights underlined the profound impact that we, as individuals and the government, can take to conserve our natural resources for sustainable food production, particularly in the face of a changing climate.

During this event, Dr OP Choudhary, Principal Investigator of CAAST-SNRM, emphasized the importance of non-traditional food practices and the concept of nutritional security instead of simply food security. He highlighted the food choices that can have an indirect impact on the water consumption pattern among the masses.

Dr Rakesh Sharda, Head of the Department, observed that precision agriculture must be opted for drought areas along with irrigated areas. Giving a brief introduction of the guest speaker, he told that Dr Kumar has almost 40 years of experience in the field of water resource management. “He was former Director, Water Technology Center Bhubaneshwar; former Project Coordinator of AICRPS on Plasticulture and Water Management; and Chaired Number of National and International Committees on Irrigation Systems. He is also a fellow of the National Academy of Agricultural Sciences,” added he.

Dr Amina Raheja proposed a vote of thanks, and acknowledged the significance of Dr Kumar’s insights.