FAQs' related to COVID-19 vaccinations
by Dr Sonu Goel, Professor, Department of Community Medicine & School of Public Health, PGIMER, Chandigarh.

Introduction: Dr. Sonu Goel is Professor, Department of Community Medicine & School of Public Health, PGIMER, Chandigarh. He is also a Principal Investigator of a pioneering initiative 'Strengthening Management of Hypertension Services Project' (SMHSP). Under this project, as many as 32,000 patients have been benefited during the unprecedented times of pandemic. Dr. Sonu Goel has received many prestigious awards & recognitions for his contribution in the field of medical science. Some of these include the recognition - Public Health Excellence of India by Union Health Minister, Government of India, Certificate of Appreciation for high quality published research work at PGIMER, Chandigarh, Young Researcher Award (Epidemiology), IAPSM-FORD Foundation and many more.
Dr Goel has devised a ready reckoner for all your FAQs'(Frequently Asked Questions) related to vaccination to make the road ahead as far as the vaccination process is concerned less bumpy. We present the responses to some very pertinent FAQs' for the benefit of all stakeholders in the vaccine initiative.
1) Who all are eligible for COVID-19 vaccination?
The criteria for administration of COVID 19 vaccination has been devised for groups who are most at risk to exposure or developing serious illnesses. The first prioritised group is healthcare and frontline workers, followed by persons over 45 years of age. Now, the individuals from 18-45 years of age are also eligible for vaccination. You may see state-level policy for it.
2) Which COVID-19 vaccines are licensed in India?
Two vaccines that have been granted emergency use authorization by the Central Drugs Standard Control Organization (CDSCO) in India are Covishield (AstraZeneca’s vaccine manufactured by Serum Institute of India) and Covaxin (manufactured by Bharat Biotech Limited). However, other vaccines (like Sputnik V from Russia) have recently been approved by the Govt. of India and will be administered soon.
3) How many shots of vaccine are needed?
Two doses of the vaccine, 4-6 weeks apart for Covaxin and 3 months apart for Covishield, need to be taken by an individual to complete the vaccination schedule.
4) Which vaccine is more effective?
There is no head to head comparison done between the two vaccines being used in India so one cannot choose one over the other.
5) What is the benefit of getting vaccinated for COVID-19?
The vaccine prevents you from getting the disease in the form of severe illness. After the vaccine we have hardly any hospital admissions and requirement for ICU admissions is almost negligible. However, it may not prevent you from getting the infection.
6) Are there any side effects of the vaccine? Where can I report the side effects of the vaccine?
The safety of COVID Vaccine is scientifically proven. As with other vaccines, minor adverse events such as mild to moderate fever, local pain and swelling at injection site, malaise etc. may be expected following COVID-19 vaccination. The beneficiaries are also requested to wait for 30 minutes post vaccination at the vaccination site. In very rare cases, a person may develop anaphylaxis. To handle these types of side effects, Adverse Events Following Immunization (AEFI) Management Centres are there at or near Vaccination centres. In case of any side effect, you may contact the nearby health facility or you may call at helpline number 1075 to report the side effects of the vaccine.
7) Is vaccination mandatory? If so, what if I don’t want to take the vaccine or complete the schedule of the vaccine?
Vaccination for COVID-19 is voluntary. However, it is advisable to receive the complete schedule of COVID-19 vaccine (both doses) for protecting one-self against this disease and also to limit the spread of this disease to close contacts including family members, friends, relatives and co-workers.
8) Why vaccination is not provided to children, & pregnant women? What about lactating mothers?
It has recently been recommended for lactating mothers. There are some clinical trials now underway to test the effectiveness and safety of the COVID-19 vaccines in the groups like children & pregnant women.
9) Can a person presently having COVID-19 (confirmed or suspected) infection be vaccinated?
The infected individuals should defer vaccination for 3 months after symptoms resolution for the next dose.
10) Who should avoid getting both the doses of vaccination?
Persons with history of any Anaphylactic or allergic reaction to a previous dose of COVID-19 vaccine; immediate or delayed-onset anaphylaxis or allergic reaction to vaccine should avoid the completion of vaccine.
11) Do I need to use the mask/other COVID-19 appropriate precautions after receiving the vaccine?
Yes, it is absolutely necessary that everyone who has received the COVID-19 vaccine should continue to follow the COVID-19 appropriate behavior i.e., mask, ‘do gaj ki doori’ and hand sanitization to protect themselves and those around from spreading the infection. In addition to this, the vaccinated individuals could become silent and asymptomatic spreaders for those not vaccinated and could cause the virus to keep circulating, if not wearing masks.
12) How long will I remain protected after vaccination?
Longevity of the immune response in vaccinated individuals is yet to be determined. Hence, continuing the use of masks, handwashing, physical distancing and other COVID-19 appropriate behaviors is strongly recommended.
13) Can patients with HT(Hypertension)/DM (Diabetes Mellitus) or other comorbidities take COVID Vaccine?
They must get vaccinated, and may contact a treating doctor in case of any serious illness.
14) What is the importance of getting a vaccination certificate and how can I get it?
Vaccination certificate is a verifiable proof of vaccination that you can use to establish that you have been vaccinated in cases where any such requirement is specified. There are two ways to get vaccination certificate:
· Online: After completion of the recommended doses, a message of completion of vaccine schedule would be sent to the registered phone number along with the link to access the digital certificate with QR code which can be saved on “Digi locker”.
· On the spot: The Vaccination Centre is responsible for generating your certificate and for providing a printed copy post vaccination on the day of vaccination itself. Please do insist on receiving the certificate at the Centre. For Private Hospitals, the charges for providing a printed copy of the certificate are included in the service charge (up to Rs. 250 per dose) for vaccination.
15) What is the efficacy of the vaccine and when would antibodies develop after the vaccination?
Available data is not sufficient to comment on how long the vaccine is efficacious. Protective levels of antibodies will generally develop two weeks after receiving the 2nd dose of COVID-19 vaccine.
16) Is the vaccine effective on the new variant of COVID-19?
Yes, it provides a reasonable amount of protection against the new variant of COVID - 19 too .
17) Does a vaccinated person still need to go through the quarantine process during/after travel?
Yes, vaccines are for self-protection and the status of being vaccinated does not imply that the person is not carrying or transmitting the disease.
18) I have few allergies, would there be any allergy test for vaccine suitability and how to get it done?
No, the Government of India is not suggesting/conducting any allergy test before the vaccination.
19) Can I have the two vaccine doses in different cities/states?
Yes, you can get vaccinated in any State/District. The only restriction is that you will be able to get vaccinated only in those centres which are offering the same vaccine as was administered to you on your first dose.
20) What about those who are on medication for illnesses like cancer, diabetes, hypertension etc?
Persons with one or more of these comorbid conditions are considered in the high-risk category. Even for other chronic diseases like cardiac, neurological, pulmonary, metabolic, renal etc. vaccines should be taken. Those concerned should adhere to the ongoing treatment and should get vaccinated.
21) Could I drink alcohol before and after vaccination?
It is advisable to avoid drinking for at least 2 days prior to vaccination and at least 3 weeks after vaccination as drinking may interfere in the production of adequate anti-bodies in the body.