One month fashion designing programme for underprivileged girls
Participants introduced to theory, sketching and practical stitching
Ludhiana: A One Month Fashion Designing Programme for underprivileged girls is successfully running in the Science and Technology Entrepreneurs' Park, (STEP), GNDEC, Ludhiana under the NABARD project. In this course, the participants are being introduced to the Theory, sketching & Practical stitching.
During this ongoing course, in order to introduce the participants to the latest techniques in cloth stitching, a demonstration session was organized by M/s. Usha Sewing Machines. In this session, the participants were made aware about the various features that have come up in newly launched models of sewing machines.
The participants are being trained so as to enable them to start their own small business. Ms. Gagandeep Kaur, FD faculty and Mr. Ravinder Dev, Training & Placement officer thanked officials from M/s. Usha for demonstration.