FDP on ‘Effective Communication in Digital Era’ concludes
“Effective Communication involves Consciousness” Prof. Nandita Singh

Chandigarh: The seven day online Faculty Development Program on the theme ‘Effective Communication in the Digital Era’ organized by HRDC, Panjab University concluded today. The course was attended by 36 participants representing 22 disciplines including sciences, social sciences, humanities and eight states including Himachal Pradesh, Punjab, Haryana, Karnataka, Assam, Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan and Chandigarh. Prof. Nandita Singh, from Dept of Education, PU was the key note speaker and Prof. S.K. Tomar, honorary Director, HRDC, PU was the chief guest for the occasion.
Prof. Tomar spoke about the significance of effective communication as he compared communication to the respiratory system essential for human survival. He also pointed out the importance of precision and logic in making communication effective. Prof. Singh brought in the component of consciousness in making communication effective in the digital era. Recipient of the Heartfulness Educator Award 2020, Prof. Singh explained how mind and heart play a significant role in making communication effective in this digital era. Dr. Bhavneet Bhatti, Course Coordinator and Assistant Professor, School of Communication Studies, presented the report of the FDP and informed that 20 resource persons from various parts of the country and abroad conducted sessions on diverse aspects of effective digital communications. These included sessions on digital communication skills, fact checking in the digital content, online tools for digital classrooms, Digital storytelling, Media and Empathy, Digital Era and Mental Health to name a few. Prof. Jayanti Dutta, Deputy Director, HRDC, PU spoke to the participants about the challenges and advantages of online training programs.
The valedictory session of the program also saw participants presenting their feedback for the program.