FICO demands immediate rollback on putting electroplating industry under PIUs by PSPCL

Terms it as totally unjustified for the small electroplating processing industry

FICO demands immediate rollback on putting electroplating industry under PIUs by PSPCL

Ludhiana: PSPCL vide Circular Memo dated 09.12.2020; regularized the Power Intensive Unit Load on Electrolytes Processing Units, which is totally unjustified for the small electroplating processing industry. It will put direct burden on the industry. 

Federation of industrial & Commercial Organization (FICO) under the chairmanship of Mr. Gurmeet Singh Kular President FICO & Mr. Rajeev Jain General Secretary FICO strongly opposed the decision and requested Mr. A. Venu Prasad IAS CMD PSPCL to immediately rollback the decision, otherwise the industrialists will protest in opposition of the decision. Industry in Punjab is already being supplied with electricity at most expensive prices when compared to the neighbouring states. This will further increase the problem of already struggling industry.