Field day on cultivation and management of horticultural crops held
Event organized by Punjab Agricultural University

Ludhiana: A field day on “Cultivation and Management of Horticultural Crops” was organized by Punjab Agricultural University (PAU) at MS Randhawa Fruit Research Station, Gangian in which more than 300 farmers, farm women and students participated.
Sardar Kulwant Singh Ahluwalia, Member, Board of Management, PAU, was the chief guest. He emphasized the need for quality produce under global marketing agreements. He advised the farmers to focus on diversification, integrated pest management, intercropping and marketing intelligence. Furthermore, he discussed the problems of horticultural crops and acknowledged the contribution of PAU in helping the farming community by providing solutions to their problems.
Dr GS Buttar, Additional Director of Extension Education, discussed the importance of horticultural crops in diversifying the state agriculture for the past two decades. He emphasized the need for healthy and true to type planting materials for increasing productivity of horticultural crops. He advised the farmers to conserve natural resources and remain associated with University to take benefits of valuable technological information from the experts of PAU. He also informed the farmers about PAU Kisan App and PAU toll free numbers.
Dr Harminder Singh, Head, Department of Fruit Science, welcomed the dignitaries, farmers, farm women and also highlighted the activities of the station.
Dr AS Dhatt, Additional Director of Research (Horticulture), discussed the latest research achievements of the University in horticultural crops. While discussing the horticultural scenario of the state, he impressed upon the farmers to increase the area under improved varieties of horticultural crops.
Technical lectures regarding the production of healthy nursery plants; improved varieties; production and protection technologies of fruit, vegetable and floriculture crops and their post harvest handling were delivered by the scientists of PAU. Exhibition stalls related to improved varieties of fruit, vegetable and flower crops, farm machinery and self-help groups were displayed. Seeds of kharif crops, vegetable kits, fruit plants, mineral mixture, and technical literature were also made available to the farmers on the occasion.
Dr Maninder Singh Bons, Deputy Director (Training), KVK, Hoshiarpur conducted the programme and proposed the vote of thanks.