Field day on “Cultivation of Pear” was organised by Farm Advisory Service Centre, Tarn Taran and Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Amritsar at Patti, Tarn Taran on 04.08.2023. More than 70 pear growers participated in this field day. The fruit growers were guided about the successful cultivation of Pear and were made aware that diversification with horticultural crops is need of the hour.

Ludhiana, August 4, 2023: Field day on “Cultivation of Pear” was organised by Farm Advisory Service Centre, Tarn Taran and Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Amritsar at Patti, Tarn Taran on 04.08.2023. More than 70 pear growers participated in this field day. The fruit growers were guided about the successful cultivation of Pear and were made aware that diversification with horticultural crops is need of the hour.
Dr. Parvinder Singh, Incharge, FASC, Tarn Taran welcomed the expert team from PAU, allied departments and farmers. He advised fruit growers to consult experts of FASC and KVK before going for any type of horticultural operations. In the technical session, Dr. Navprem Singh (Professor), Department of Fruit Science, PAU, Ludhiana emphasised on adopting recommendations of PAU for successful and profitable cultivation of pear. Further, he discussed the importance of canopy management and aspects of quality improvement in pear and explained the intercropping options, methods of pear harvesting and packing. He stressed on importance of exploring new markets and smart packaging. Dr. Harpreet Singh (Plant Pathologist) Department of Fruit Science, PAU, Ludhiana delivered lecture on integrated insect pest and disease management in pear. He stressed upon proper spray technology to get good results.
Dr. Puneet Malhotra, Deputy Director (Trg.), KVK, Booh, Tarn Taran interacted with the farmers and stressed upon formation of FPOs. Dr. Anil (Soil Scientist), KVK, Booh disussed soil sampling techniques in th e orchards. Dr Nirmal Singh Assistant Professor (Horticulture) discussed about intercropping in orchards with vegetable crops. Dr. Tejinder Singh, Deputy Director (Horticulture), Tarn Taran apprised the farmers about various schemes and subsidies provided by Punjab Horticulture Department.
Dr. Parminder Singh Sandhu, DES (Agronomy) explained the concept of weed and nutrient management in orchards. Dr. Savreet Khehra, DES (Fruits), FASC, Tarn Taran explained the method of planting and care of newly planted pear plants. The farmers shared their experience about pear cultivation and their queries were answered in open discussion session. Vote of thanks was proposed by Dr. Parminder Kaur, DES (SM), FASC, Tarn Taran and she advised the pear growers to be in touch with university scientists and update their knowledge from time to time. She motivated the growers to attend such field days in large numbers so that they can be benefited more and more about new technologies.