Focus on quality research
University Institute of Applied Management Sciences (UIAMS) kick started One Week Workshop on Research Methodology and Data Analysis today.

Chandigarh, August 2, 2022: University Institute of Applied Management Sciences (UIAMS) kick started One Week Workshop on Research Methodology and Data Analysis today.
Prof. Raj Kumar, Vice Chancellor inaugurated the workshop. In his inaugural address, he advised participants to undertake quality research and to think about startups and entrepreneurship rather than becoming a job seeker. He talked about quality of true leaders and said that young leaders can shape the growth of India in 21st Century. He highlighted the need of broadening the scope of the learning process rather than concentrating on one subject only. He urged participants to undertake research which has resolve the challenges of business society.
Prof. Monika Aggarwal, Director, UIAMS said that the researchers face numerous issues that inhibit the application of research methods and techniques ranging from problem identification to the type of research techniques required to analyze the data and the interpretation of the results so achieved. Therefore, the prime objective of this programme is to tackle these issues by equipping the programme participants with the requisite knowledge for identifying the right research problem, selection of adequate data analysis techniques, application of those research techniques, and interpretation of results so as to produce valid and quality outcomes.
Dr. Manu Sharma, Workshop Coordinator said that the issues like fundamentals of literature review with an emphasis on bibliometric analysis, systematic literature review and meta-analysis, predictive analytics, data analysis using cutting-edge parametricnon parametric tests, factor analysis, SEM, research paper writing & publishing in high impact journals are the topics to be covered in this workshop.